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Wednesday, June 20, 2012

What causes Scabies. How Scabies are transmitted

Generally scabies is transmitted by immediate contact with infected individual. As soon as this tiny mite enters the human body, it starts to move around and dig itself into the skin. With length of less that half of millimeter, with eight legs, the female insect begin to deposits eggs. It takes in average ten days for scabies eggs until it hatches and scabies nymphs to grow to be adults.

As opposed to demodex mites, scabies could live aside from human body for two three days. It is possible to get scabies from more casual contact such as sharing of shirts or dresses and household bedding. Scabies are infectious even if there are absolutely no symptoms. Theoretically, a person can get scabies from touching another thing with scabies mite on it, but the primary way of transmission is skin-to-skin contact.

Similar to demodex, which has near seventy types of mites , the scabies is no different. Scabies is unable to stay alive for too long removed from human body. Animals and pets: cats, dogs get their very own kind of mites. It is not commonly but possible for people to pick up scabies from a dog or a can by immediate contact. When and If it happens, people with animal scabies may go through a short-term allergic skin response. However people are less likely to suffer severe scabies from this particular type.

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