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Saturday, July 14, 2012

How To Eradicate Scabies On Face

Commonly, scabies doesn’t really affect the head for they are usually seen from the neck down to the entire body. This skin condition is highly contagious kind of disease and caused primarily by microscopic mites. These Scabies Mites bring about the condition by burrowing themselves deep into the skin wherein they could lay their eggs. Practically, the mite is invisible that is why it is the common complaint of the inflicted person.

Other than in infected person’s skin, these Scabies Mites also live, lay their eggs and spread on households. Scabies Mites seek shelter in the less exposed areas of the body where moist and heat are usually present such as armpits, genitals, and behind the ears. Scabies Mites can be easily dropped on any place within the household or wherever the infected person gets close to. Therefore, to get totally rid of these Scabies Mites, treatment of your housemates and household items is a must.


There are symptoms that reveal the presence of Scabies Mites in the skin. Some of these are stinging biting, tiny pinpricks, and crawling sensations on the skin or scalp. In addition to these, having the presence of mite burrows, forming a S shape or zigzag, lesions, such as brown nodules, rashes or pimple-like irritations on the skin, indicates the mite infestation. These symptoms become during the night.

Usually, minor rash and itching that tends to worsen at night are first the first indications of scabies. Scratching spreads the mites to the other parts of the body, and after a few weeks, it worsens the symptoms. Common symptoms of scabies, at this point, can include: rash on the skin, pimple-like irritation and burrows, intense itching especially at night and over most of the face or body, presence of sores on the face caused by scratching (these sores can be sometimes become infected with bacteria), scaling and redness caused by the scratching, and lastly, small, rounded lumps (mostly seen on the penis and scrotum) that may remain for several weeks after scabies treatment.

Directions for treating scabies are easy to follow and medications are not that expensive. Lotions or creams containing Lindane or Crotamiton are being used to kill scabies mites. Prescription from the physician is needed to purchase such medicines for scabies.

If you think that you have acquired scabies on the face, it is best to consult your doctor first before taking any course of drug. Not doing so could make it hard to diagnose your condition. Also, treating scabies with over-the-counter drugs such as lice medicines are not strong enough to kill scabies mites. Non-prescribed products are not advisable to use for there are no over-the-counter medicine that can cure scabies infestation.

Home Treatment

Tea Tree, Borax, Sulfur, Apricot Leaves and Neem leaf extract are some of the home remedies that are used to treat scabies. But using these natural treatments were not proven to successfully eradicate scabies mites.

At the first signs of scabies, disinfect all that have direct contact to the skin such as linens and clothes. And also, try to take a bath using sulfur or borax. If the danger of having scabies still persists, contact your physician. This time your physician will prescribe medications that is best in fighting scabies. It can either be a lotion or a cream applied to the affected part of the body. Before using any medication, it is advised to carefully read and follow the indicated instructions.

After gathering all the available information about the protocols of these scabies treatment, home remedies became an option to resolve scabies mite infestation for it involves simple things they already have within their homes.

Although application of natural elements may need to be done for a long period of time to ensure eradication of the parasite mites, they are noticeably milder and well tolerated by skin. On the other hand, medications that synthetically made usually eradicate the mites in the span of few days; however, they are sometimes aggravating the scabies symptoms within the duration of the treatment.

1 comment:

  1. i haven't tried the body mask but the Scabiesin body lotion works great
