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Friday, July 6, 2012

Scabies on Human Face

Scabies is a skin disease that is caused by a variety of parasitic mites. There are those that prey on both humans and animals while there are others who infect humans or animals exclusively. This disease can be transmitted when there is close contact among persons who are affected. Albeit associated with poor hygiene and for some close living conditions, note that the mite can be carried by pets. Mostly, school children suffer from scabies.

Scabies that appear on the face can be a major problem. Since intense itching is the common symptom for this disease, blisters might appear that can pose image problems. Note that our face is the first thing that people see. It is our main identification and being afflicted with this disease can mar our image which can later on threaten our self esteem.

When you notice that there are visible white ridges between your fingers, palms, and the inner aspects of your wrists with excessive itching that becomes unbearable at night, then you might have scabies. Other symptoms include the presence of sores all over your body. In severe cases, you will notice the presence of excoriated papules and crusted lesions that will be scattered on the elbows, lower abdomen, and the buttocks and also on the armpits.

The presence of scabies is confirmed when the health care provider scrapes off the lesion and examines the specimen with the use of a microscope to see if there are mites and eggs.

Scabies is treatable. There are various forms of treatments that are available. Usually dermatologists will prescribe scabicides such as Elimite or a solution of permethrin 5% cream to be applied over the affected area for a period of time. Other chemical treatments available is the use of medicines which contain lindane or more commonly known as Kwell. Such medications are more toxic and less effective. Remember that these are not recommended treatment when children and infants are infected with scabies.

You can also opt for the home or natural remedies if chemical treatments are not your cup of tea. You can start by enerally cleaning your surroundings on a regular basis. Dusting and vaccuuming your rugs and furniture will help eliminate the presence of mites. Constant washing and disinfecting clothes and other personal items are also a must. Remember that prevention is the key here.

Mites also tend to thrive on mattresses and soiled beddings so make it a habit to air dry them or soak them out in the sun to kill the parasites.

Take note also that it is not enough that you keep your surroundings spotless. Since scabies is more of an issue of hygiene, people who are afflicted with this disease should make it a habit to bath regularly and to wear clean clothes.

Usually, natural remedies tend to relieve the symptoms. You can soothe the itching by taking a warm bath. Fill the tub with oatmeal and comfrey leaves. Avoid scratching at all costs. You can also apply golden seal and primrose oil to lessen the itch.

A change in your diet can also work wonders. Increase your intake of garlic because this is a natural antibiotic. Strengthen your immune system by avoiding sugar, processed foods, refined flour and dairy products.

Those who suffer from this skin disease are provided with the option to treat it either chemically or naturally. Both forms of treatments presents advantages and disadvantages, but it is always without saying that home or natural remedies will always be the best option to consider.

Home or natural remedies will help you save more money that you can use in other emergent cases. You can also be sure that this kind of treatment is safer and more effective allowing for a speedy recovery. Scabiesin is natural Body Mask that was specifically formulated for killing scabies, eliminate the skin infection and prevent the mites from returning. This unique product don't have sulfur or other skin irritants. Neem oil, lemon grass, and few other natural oils can effectively kill even full blown scabies without harming, irritating or drying the skin. Vitamins, herbal extracts and minerals help to rehabilitate post scabies skin, providing effective after scabies treatment of the skin. When applied on to the affected areas, active ingredients are deeply absorbed into the skin pores killing scabies mites. Vitamins and minerals restore the skin's immune system suppressed by scabies. Oils and herbal extracts promote healthier looking skin, prevent scabies mites from returning.

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