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Monday, September 3, 2012

Symptoms and Signs of Scabies

Scabies is the most contagious skin disease of human body in this world. It is extremely common in poor and under privileged. It is caused by ectoparasite called ‘female sarcoptes scabies’ which is an obligate parasite. It mostly occurs during winter. Poor personal hygiene, overcrowding and poor sanitary condition are responsible for scabies. It can be transmitted by skin to skin contact (97%) and household (3%) like cloth, bed sheet etc.

Pathogenesis :

Sarcopte enter into the body. Then antigen (excreta, saliva and dead body of the organism) is identified by langerhan’s cell (skin macrophage). Langerhan’s cell engulf the antigen, process and present it to regional lymph node. Then proliferative changes of T lymphocyte and stimulation of effecter T lymphocyte and production of memory cell. Lymphokine goes to the circulation and manifested in the skin as scabies or itching.

Clinical features:

I. Itching at night

II. Typical lesion in typical site:

· Child: Face and scalp
· Male: Genitalia
· Female: Nipple and areola, umbilical and periumbilical region.

III. Signs: · Characteristic Borrow: raised and greish wlth in colour (pathognomic ).
· Papule.
· Vesicle.
· Pastule.


· Identification of burrow by oil test, ink test and fluorescent test.
· Identification of female mite, egg or fecal pelleis under microscope.
· Skin biopasy(Histopathology) .
· Routine blood test:(Eosinophillia).


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