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Thursday, June 21, 2012

Natural Treatment and Remedies for Scabies

Scabies is a type of skin disease resulting from an infection caused by a tiny insect called a mite. These mites burrow into the skin causing a rash. They look like red pimples on the skin and these skin rashes can appear anywhere in the body. The disease can spread from person to person by physical touch. It is highly contagious and can spread rapidly.

There are three possible medications are available for scabies which are, permethrin, lindane and malathion which are not really a scabies natural treatment.

Permethrin is one of the most widely used drugs to prevent scabies. There are many side effects of this treatment. Itching and burning are some of them. These side effects last a short time, however a few people do say that these side effects are a minor inconvenience when the mites are completely removed from the human body.

Permethrin is prepared from pyrethrum, which is commonly used in insecticides. Lindane is also widely used for the disease. It was reported as having the highest incidence of seizures as a side effect, so it is now not commonly used. Many countries also banned the drug and some other countries governed its use in many areas.

Malathion is used primarily to chemical kill lice and scabies, but it is also suggested that the drug can cause headaches, muscle aches, nausea, dizziness and even problems with breathing. These treatments are certainly controversial treatments, but when used properly can permanently kill the mites.

Due to the side effects of the chemical and drug based treatments for scabies, many people choose to use a scabies treatment natural route. These remedies have fewer side effects and can treat the disease effectively.

Processing of tea tree oil is widely used to treat scabies. Treatment consists of taking a hot bath in a tub that is mixed with tea tree oil. Remaining in the water for 15- 20 minutes and repeating the process twice every day should show good results in a very short time. Tee tree oil will often smother the mites and kill them off, though it is more advisable that you pick a lotion that has Tea Tree oil in, that is mixed with other active ingredients too.

If you suspect that you are suffering from scabies then consult a doctor as soon as possible, whom will take a test on the area infected. If you test positive for scabies then you must treat the whole body and the infected area with the same amount of caution and care. There may be very small secondary infections of mites around your body that are showing no signs of infection yet. There is also a chance that you have mite eggs within your pores on your body.

Neem oils are also said to be another of the more natural scabies treatments. It is a way of killing scabies mites, and are often mixed with lotions and shampoos in order to kill parasites such as mites and lice. There are no reported side effects with the more natural solutions to parasitic mite infection, which is why most people opt to use them.

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