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Thursday, June 21, 2012

Tea Tree Oil For Scabies Products with tea tree oil to kill Scabies.

Your typical scabies symptoms includes things such as are severe itching, redness and multiple tunnels which are visible under the skin. This will often involve large or smaller rashes, in a large red patch or smaller blotches. As they heal the skin will often flake and peel. It may also crust over in more prolonged cases. It is often found on the hands, legs, arms and back, although it is highly contagious so it may migrate to other areas of the skin. This is why a full body lotion and specialised shampoo is often needed. These symptoms can be relieved and treated with a topical creams and lotions such as Scabiesin body Lotion and Scabiesin Shampoo’s. The disease is highly contagious which makes treatment mandatory as soon as diagnosis is confirmed so as to avoid further contamination and avoid passing it on to other people. Scabiesin body lotion can also be used as a prevention measure when you’re tasked with relatively often contact with people suffering from scabies. The parasites that cause this infection change very slowly and can survive up to three days outside a human body. They can not jump, which why the infection of scabies is contagious and communicable only by very close contact with an infected person. If you are in contact with scabies sufferers on a regular basis, then using the lotion and shampoo once a week will help shift any of the parasites that are living on your skin or hair.

Scabiesin body Lotion and Scabiesin Shampoo’s are made from powerful natural ingredients that target the mites that cause infection. The application of sulphur and tea tree oil allows rapid absorption of material through the skin so that it can penetrate deep into the skin. The Tea tree oil has both anti bacterial properties and helps the skin to heal whilst the sulphur attacks the mites with brute force.

Tea tree oils will eliminates mites on the skin and the source of infection of scabies. Just put a little oil on a cotton ball and apply on the infected area. Dry your skin by dabbing and do not rub the towel on your skin in infected areas. It is imperative not to reuse washcloths or body brush that could spread the infection. Disinfect all your clothes with denatured alcohol before wearing again and try to disinfect any areas that you may have touched frequently, such as the settee pillows or the kitchen towels.

Scabiesin body lotion and Scabiesin Shampoo both have tea tree oil, sulphur and other anti scabies oils in them. Lotions packed with chemicals are okay for a few days but will eventually start to negatively affect the immune system of your skin and the mites will begin to flourish once again. It is possible to use pure Tea Tree oil to treat scabies, but it will not be as effective as lotions that have the Tea Tree oil mixed with other ingredients. This is because the oils need a base ingredient to help it absorb into the skin, to penetrate skin barier and go deep inside the skin pores to kill scabies mites.

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